My Clarity BreakTM takes the form of cycling (whether road or mountain biking).  During my Clarity BreakTM this week, I recollected my past blog that businesses’ sales/marketing systems are their Respiratory Systems for their business body.  It re-connected with me as I looked at our current COVID-19 environment where people are having respiratory issues . . . unable to function normally in their lives.  Similarly, our businesses are having respiratory issues due to COVID-19, not able to serve existing clients or obtain new ones.

No Clients, No Business

Remember, Oxygen = Clients!  Without oxygen, our bodies die. When someone is declared brain dead from lack of oxygen, they’re usually legally dead since the bodily functions start shutting down.  When your business body is out of clients, your business body starts shutting down without clients to serve.  Here are 3 things to keep your business from suffering the long-term impact of COVID-19.

COVID-19 Regimen for Business Respiratory Health

First, over-serve your current clients.  While it may not be direct sales and marketing efforts, doing so will build raving fans that will produce word of mouth advertising and referrals.  Now is not the time to go silent on your clients.  It’s even more important not to just maintain, but to strengthen those client relationships by serving them over and above your normal service levels.  This builds loyalty and value in your clients’ eyes, making them a customer for life!

Second, develop and train your Sales/Marketing Team.  It may be counter-intuitive, but it’s the best time to invest in your Sales/Marketing Team when there are no pressures to get it done quick, but get it done right . . . your own proven way!  Document and test your processes; role play various scenarios; and repeat until your team has nailed it.  Your time invested in these efforts will set you up for the next thing.

Third, develop your sales/marketing plan for post-pandemic.  Too many times, this plan is put on the back-burner and is never fully developed, leading to frustration in underperforming sales teams or lack of qualified leads.  We will get out of this pandemic season.  Planning beyond current times may not be top of mind for everyone.  Those who are prepared to meet the needs of the pent up demand will benefit the most, increasing market share and leaving competitors behind.

So during my Clarity BreakTM, I decided to push harder beyond my comfort level on an existing bike route I know well (over-served my clients).  I focused on my breathing and fundamentals to take in necessary oxygen (developed and trained my sales/marketing team).  After my ride, I planned on when my next rides will be, including new routes that will challenge me further and increase my oxygen intake (developed my sales/marketing plan).  I feel confident I’ll come out of this pandemic healthier and stronger!  You should, too, for your business!

Don’t Succumb to COVID-19 in Your Business Body

A common cause of death from COVID-19 is Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS), which deprives the body from oxygen.  You are more susceptible to ARDS once you’ve contracted COVID-19.  Don’t allow this disease creep into your business body!  Take these 3 steps to help ensure your business body remains healthy during and after this pandemic.  Your business will live a long life, leaving the legacy you want for your family and your team!

Take the Organizational Checkup to gauge the health of your company!  For more information on creating a healthy business lifestyle, read about the Entrepreneurial Operating System (EOS).

By: Don Maranca

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