Our Philosophy
Throughout Don’s career from corporate to small business, he was always intrigued with what makes businesses thrive and what makes them fail. So he set out on a quest to find the perfect system for business, regardless of size or industry. With his diverse background in business, Don discovered common threads in three main areas: People, Process, & Infrastructure. When there was a breakdown in any business entity or system, the root cause fell within one of these categories. People dealt with the human element. Process dealt with the action or behavior element. Infrastructure dealt with the resources or tools element. He then looked for an existing system that incorporated these three main components which led him to the human body. What better system to emulate for business than a time-tested organism (organization) that has been around for thousands of years. The solutions provided through JDSM are proven systems for businesses that can be tied back to proven systems for peak performance in the human body. We understand that you don’t want theory to test in your business. You want simple, real, and practical solutions that have weathered the test of time.

Don Maranca
When I was 5 years old, my father took his first entrepreneurial leap of faith by leaving a comfortable life in the Philippines and moving us to the US. Watching him start his own business instilled a strong work ethic in me. He encouraged me to be my best and to take advantage of the opportunities this wonderful country has to offer. So I’m wired for entrepreneurship.
With a drive for excellence, I started my professional life in the corporate world working for Fortune 500 companies that were market leaders in their industry. But something was missing and I wanted to work with entrepreneurs. So I took my experience and dipped my toe in small businesses working hand-in-hand with the owners in growing revenue and profits. That’s where I found my passion in small business, eventually owning my own business in 2010 by purchasing The Alternative Board. Through The Alternative Board (TAB) I have been privileged to work with 70+ businesses at the strategic level. TAB provides an excellent service to owners in discussing strategy, getting peer advice and business coaching; however, I missed helping leadership teams with the implementation of strategy. Then I came across the EOS Model® and it was like reading something from my own thoughts developed into a complete, holistic system. It was aligned with my own philosophy.
I am proud to be 1 of the first 112 carefully selected Expert EOS Implementers® that share the passion of helping business leaders get the ideal life through a healthy business. I love what I do and strongly believe this is what I’m designed to do in this world. So if you’re a business owner or leader who wants to get more out of your business, take a hard look at the proven business systems we offer. Complete the Organizational Checkup to create some context. If you would like to learn more, I would love to hear from you.
To Your Business Health,

Kelly Ann Shy, MHSM
For the past 30 years, I have been immersed in the healthcare industry. I have made the bittersweet decision to leave what I have known and what is comfortable for the opportunity to continue to grow and further develop my knowledge and skill set.
My educational background includes an undergraduate degree with honors in Business Management in 1991 from Clemson University. Following this, I began full time work in the medical field while also pursuing a graduate degree in Health Services Management from the University of Mary Hardin Baylor.
My personal goal to recognize and develop leadership skills and life skills of others began following graduate school. I appreciate the opportunity to offer our clients a unique perspective regarding business development, operations, human capital, expansion and growth.
Outside of the office, I enjoy staying connected to the specialty by serving as Executive Director of Texas Society of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons and the Southwest Society of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons. Additionally, I am fortunate to be able to serve on the Winston School Booster Club, an opportunity to volunteer my time and energy for a cause that I am truly passionate about.
I quickly realized that my passion for operations (people, processes and infrastructure) is not unique to the healthcare arena and I am excited about the opportunity to share this with JDSM Enterprises. My goal is to apply my knowledge and expertise in my role with JDSM Enterprises and further help small business owners and their leadership team to attain Clarity, create a culture of Accountability and experience personal and professional Growth.
To Your Business Health™

TAB Facilitator/Coach
E-mail: Ldickman@TabSanAntonio.com
Larry Dickman
Helping individuals, businesses and organizations communicate well, is my passion.
Retail operations, management, and training is where my professional career began. As Corporate Communication Manager I developed tools, processes, and strategies expanding communication and training for HEB. An entrepreneur and business owner for 28 years, I have worked with CEO’s, Presidents, Executive Directors, Owners and individuals to improve and maximize communication and problem-solving skills.
I’ve created thousands of hours of video, film and television programming for companies nationwide and even received awards for some of them…yay! I’ve taught classes in business, management, leadership, crisis communication, and film/video production as an Adjunct Professor in California and Texas. I have a Bachelor’s Degree from California State University, Fullerton.
As a TAB owner, facilitator and certified executive coach, I help people get what they want out of their businesses and careers while improving their personal lives.
I’m single and enjoy activities including flying (licensed pilot), skiing, scuba diving, mountain biking, and racquetball.

TAB Facilitator/Coach
E-mail: mark@4610ent.com
Mark Goldman
I became interested in business early in life through working in my father’s CPA firm. From middle school on, I worked in the practice and was constantly interacting with business owners. I believe it was during those formative years that I became attracted to helping others solve their business problems.
After college, I became a CPA and continued working in accounting. I ended up entering the recruiting industry after a few years by chance and found a career that I loved. For the past 25 years I’ve recruited, and managed teams that recruit, accountants for other businesses. In 2007, I opened MGR Accounting Recruiters, a San Antonio based ultra-specialized recruiting firm helping employers fill accounting positions.
After a few years running my business, I realized that external guidance would be beneficial if I was to grow the firm in a meaningful way. It was at that point that I joined The Alternative Board (TAB). For about the next 10 years, I wholeheartedly participated in my peer board, trying to give assistance as well as receive guidance. When the opportunity came up to be a Facilitator for JDSM, I knew it was my calling.
Although I have lived in the accounting recruiting world for much of my career, consulting with business owners and management has been a large part of that work. I’ve had exposure to literally every industry, and interacted with literally all levels within organizations. Through my coaching relationships over the years, I’ve also come to have a good foundation in marketing and positioning strategy as well.
On a personal note, I’m fortunate to have married my high school sweetheart, and we have been blessed with two children through adoption. God is great.

JDSM Certified Chaplain
E-mail: jpolk@chaplain.org
Johnny Polk
After growing up in Dallas and attending college in Ft. Worth, my wife, Cheri, and I moved to New Braunfels to raise our family in 1987. We love the Hill Country and San Antonio.
I decided to be a Chaplain to have an impact on those who invite me to walk alongside them in both the good and difficult times by listening and just being there to remind you of your worth and value.
It is my hope to offer a caring relationship that encourages and builds you up for a life of lasting impact.