Peace of Mind in Your Business!

Are You a Triathlete Business?

Are You a Triathlete Business?

I have a client who is an Iron Man athlete but he didn’t use his full lung capacity for his business. What do I mean? In a previous article, I equated oxygen as clients to a business. The better your business body is getting oxygen (clients) into the system, the...

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Bad Inventory Makes You Throw Up!

Bad Inventory Makes You Throw Up!

Has your business ever thrown up? That’s what happens when you take in bad inventory and you have to return it to suppliers, or worse, you make a bad product and your customer is not pleased. My last article talked about the 3 Core Functions your business needs:...

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Is Finance the Heart of your Company?

Is Finance the Heart of your Company?

How important is blood to your body? You die if you lose too much! In business, blood is cash. If you lose too much cash, then your business body dies. My last article talked about the 3 Core Functions your business needs: Sales/Marketing function = Respiratory...

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Cash is King, but Oxygen Trumps it!

Cash is King, but Oxygen Trumps it!

What kills you first? Lack of oxygen or lack of blood? We are aerobic creatures that need oxygen to live. Blood helps transport oxygen throughout our body, most importantly to our brain. So blood is the means to provide oxygen, but it’s the oxygen that keeps us alive. In business, clients equals oxygen. Cash is blood. Lack of oxygen kills you first!

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Roy Disney – behind the Magic!

Roy Disney – behind the Magic!

Walt Disney had Roy. Henry Ford had James Couzens. Ray Kroc (McDonald’s) had Fred Turner. These are now large companies, but they were small once. The game changer for them was having the right second in command to complement their gifts and talents to reach the next...

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Is Your Business Body Designed for a Purpose?

Is Your Business Body Designed for a Purpose?

Have you ever met a championship-caliber basketball player under 6 feet tall? Or a horse jockey taller than 6 feet? Probably not . . . and there’s a reason. We’re all designed to do certain things well. I would say we’re designed for a specific purpose. When we go...

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February 2025