by Don Maranca | Oct 28, 2016 | Infrastructure, Leadership, Technology
FRUSTRATION – what people experience when they are willing but don’t have the right tools to do the job! Can you imagine an artist who doesn’t have a paint brush? Or a musician without an instrument? In business, if you can’t use your Unique Ability because the...
by Don Maranca | Oct 13, 2016 | Culture, Infrastructure, Leadership
What gets measured gets done! Do you believe that? How many of your friends wear a Fitbit step tracking device (or something similar)? Do they walk more than they have in the past? Chances are they do! Because of its popularity, the wearable healthcare market is...
by Don Maranca | Sep 22, 2016 | Culture, Infrastructure, Leadership, People
When you’re growing and want to go to the next level, having the Right People isn’t enough. You also have to have the Right Structure! As stated in my previous blog, How FIT is your Business Body, when you’re a small company, getting the right talent (People) is...
by Don Maranca | Mar 21, 2016 | Business Body, Infrastructure, Leadership, Technology
Have you ever bought a technology solution with all the bells and whistles and only use 2 of the 5 modules for your business? I wrote a blog called, “Technology Isn’t Always The Solution”, which discourages our reliance on technology before solving our People and...
by Don Maranca | Nov 16, 2015 | Infrastructure, Leadership
In this global competitive market, business owners are looking for that competitive advantage to keep them ahead. It’s all too easy to find the best new technology that seems to have all the answers to increase productivity or create a new product. So you, as the...
by Don Maranca | Oct 28, 2015 | Infrastructure, Leadership, People
My EOS colleague, Jim Coyle, wrote a great article titled. It reminded me of when we see great athlete s that don’t do well in the pros after doing so well in college. We see it very often with Heisman trophy winners. Is it the athlete or is it the system...