Crisis Communication..Less is More!

Crisis Communication..Less is More!

By: Larry Dickman (Disclaimer: No communication solution is the best for every possible crisis) Some business owners think that any negative mention in “above the line” media (Television, radio, newspaper) constitutes a crisis.  No one wants their name publicly...
Training that Sticks

Training that Sticks

By: Larry Dickman Recently a business owner shared frustration over the behavior of an employee.  The employee, responsible for sales and closing contracts, was close to signing with a prospect.  But the sales process was interrupted by a vendor needing attention. ...
Act Now!

Act Now!

Some customers are just not the right fit for your business.  They question your pricing, policies, procedures. Nothing you do for them seems to be enough. Revenue is insignificant compared to the effort expended to try to keep them happy.  They’re a pain to work with...