by Don Maranca | Feb 4, 2022 | Accountability, Business Growth, Solving Issues, Uncategorized
Are you making Hits in your business or are you focused on Home Runs? Home Runs are more exciting and usually attributable to success, but Hits are the formula for longstanding success. Look at the careers of Hall of Fame inductees Ty Cobb, Hank Aaron, and Willie...
by Don Maranca | Oct 16, 2020 | Accountability, Business Growth, Infrastructure
Written By: Kelly Ann Shy, Vice President, JDSM Enterprises My children continue to be a source of inspiration for me in business! I was recently talking with my oldest son about his school activities during this covid-inspired re-opening phase and I learned that he...
by Don Maranca | Mar 13, 2019 | Accountability, Business Growth, Leadership
Accountability and discipline are often associated with negative stereotypes and consequences. It usually means forcing something on someone. It doesn’t have to be. When done right, accountability is embraced instead of feared. If you are doing all you can as a...
by Don Maranca | Sep 14, 2018 | Accountability, Core Values, EOS
Written by Randy Taussig on September 10, 2018 You probably work hard to attract great employees to your company. You want the best! But what does the “best” really mean? Of course, we all want great people, but the reality is that the definition of “great” is...
by Don Maranca | Nov 3, 2017 | Accountability, Culture, Vision
According to Texas CEO Magazine, there are 5 criteria to develop a culture of innovation. Here’s how EOS (the Entrepreneurial Operating System) addresses each 5 criteria. Culture eats strategy for breakfast – Peter Drucker Christiane Michaelis lists the...