by Don Maranca | Mar 24, 2020 | Core Values, People
As I go into my office today, I see our sign which has taken a much deeper meaning these days. The logo with the pulse and increasing bars signaling financial and operational health stood out along with our tag line of “Developing Healthy Businesses”....
by Don Maranca | Mar 3, 2020 | Communication, Core Values, Culture
By: Don Maranca Have you ever had a conversation with a friend who got a divorce and was surprised, especially since they never fought as a couple? In other words, they never expressed any conflict. After a season of annual planning with my clients, the healthiest...
by Don Maranca | Jul 12, 2019 | Business Growth, Core Values, Culture, Uncategorized
By: Ed Bierschenk, TAB Facilitator When working with a major retail company several years ago our corporate team was challenged with a significant task…. replicate the culture of a hundred-year-old company in a new geographic territory and open stores quickly. The...
by Don Maranca | Sep 14, 2018 | Accountability, Core Values, EOS
Written by Randy Taussig on September 10, 2018 You probably work hard to attract great employees to your company. You want the best! But what does the “best” really mean? Of course, we all want great people, but the reality is that the definition of “great” is...
by Don Maranca | Feb 28, 2018 | Communication, Core Values, Leadership, People
My son didn’t like what he heard from me, so he went to his mom and got the answer he wanted. We call this “the end-run” but it also happens in business. Ever experience dissention in your organization where employees sided with one leader over the other? It’s like a...