Roy Disney – behind the Magic!

Roy Disney – behind the Magic!

Walt Disney had Roy. Henry Ford had James Couzens. Ray Kroc (McDonald’s) had Fred Turner. These are now large companies, but they were small once. The game changer for them was having the right second in command to complement their gifts and talents to reach the next...
Top 5 Articles of 2016!

Top 5 Articles of 2016!

Thank you to my readers! Here are my top 5 articles with the most views in 2016. Hope you get some valuable insights on how to be better leaders in running your business in 2017 and beyond! #5 – Culture Without Habit is Non-existent! You’ve defined your Core...
How to Create a Winning Culture

How to Create a Winning Culture

Culture is a buzz word these days! But what does that really mean? Does culture actually produce results or is it just a fun place to work? In a previous post, I mentioned “If your Culture is not what you want it to be, first look at how you’re communicating. Chances...