Process in business is often too simplified to include only our procedures, but it goes beyond that.  Your culture is defined by your Process.  In my last blog, I wrote, “Even good people fail with bad processes!”  I’ve seen companies with very talented people fail.  Why?  Process!

Simply put, without Process, the talents of your organization are not deployed.  Imagine a very talented individual that has the brain power and the values that could crush the competition.  But those talents and values don’t ever get communicated to the rest of that individual’s body, rendering that body useless.  Those talents and values represent the People in your organization.  But if you don’t have the right processes in your company to utilize that talent, then you’re wasting resources (and the potential of your people) and competition will eat you up.  Action requires a process.  Without Process, nothing gets done.

Process =  Communication + Flow + Culture 

First, Communication is what sets things in motion.  Just as your body communicates from your brain through your nervous system to the rest of your body and back, so must your company.  Communication sets expectations and clear responsibilities from top to bottom.  Communication also provides a feedback loop from your team directly in contact with the customers so management and leadership can make informed decisions.  It must go both ways!

Second, Flow is what we actually do . . . our procedures.  It represents our workflow so we can serve our customers or deliver our products.  Back to the human body, our internal systems (respiratory system, digestive system, cardiovascular system) process things a certain way to do its job . . . Flow.  Once expectations are communicated, it creates action so things are done.

Third, Culture is how we behave.  The Core Values that you establish don’t carry much weight if it doesn’t show in the behaviors of your People . . . your culture.  When we act out of habit from repetitive Flow as a result of clear Communication, then it becomes our Culture.

A great process must have all 3 components.  Communication must be uninhibited and clear up and down the organization.  This creates Flow that results in procedures (your way of doing business) so work is done.  When Flow becomes a habit, it then gets engrained in your Culture.  When you have all 3 components, you are utilizing your People in the best way!

High Performance

Think back of when you were performing at your peak as an individual (in sports, at work, with your family, etc).  What Process was present in your body?  Your head was in the right place and signals from your brain were communicating effectively throughout your body – Communication.  Your internal functions (respiratory, digestive, cardiovascular) were humming and doing their jobs really well – Flow.  And you had good habits day in and day out that kept you focused on what’s important – Culture.

Process Check

Take a lesson from your body and replicate what you had when you were operating at peak performance.  Look at your organization to see if you’re strong in the 3 components of Process.  If your Culture is not what you want it to be, first look at how you’re communicating.  Chances are, you are not Communicating effectively, leading to poor workflow (Flow), which results in wrong behaviors (Culture).

Take the Organizational Checkup to gauge the health of your company!  For more information on creating a healthy business lifestyle, read about the Entrepreneurial Operating System (EOS).

Be on the lookout for deeper dives on Process (Communication, Flow, Culture – CFC) in future blogs.  My next blog will be about the third component of People, Process and Infrastructure – Infrastructure. Infrastructure alone cannot solve your People or Process issues!

To Your Business Health!

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