Why is Tony Robbins popular in entrepreneurial circles?  He has a gift of tapping into the human potential through his highly experiential events.

Tony focuses on concepts that address your Limiting Beliefs, also known as your Upper Limit Problem (coined by Gay Hendricks).  It can also come in the form of Scarcity Thinking (coined by Stephen Covey).  When you have a low outlook for yourself (Altitude), you will never fly to reach your full potential.

In your business, the Altitude beliefs of your team, will determine what levels your business will reach.  It all starts with your Purpose . . . your “Why”.

“The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why.” —Mark Twain

This is the 3rd installment of my People series.  Remember, People = Aptitude + Attitude + Altitude

Altitude determines Significance

The Altitude mentality of you and your leaders is directly correlated to the impact of your organization.  Visionaries who have high aspirations create significance beyond themselves and create a legacy.

As the leader of your company, you are restricting the company’s growth if you have Limiting Beliefs, which lowers your potential (Altitude).  Are you the one who’s keeping your company from serving a higher purpose, making a deeper impact in the world?

Jim Collins defined core purpose as an organization’s fundamental reason for being.  If you or your team cannot see the higher purpose that you serve, your company will not transcend from Good To Great!  Disney’s core purpose is to make people happy, not to build theme parks and make cartoons.  The theme parks and cartoons are just a means to the end . . . making people happy.

Not Just About You

As a leader, you must think bigger than what you can do yourself.  When you lead a company, it’s no longer about you . . . it’s about what’s best for the greater good of the organization.  It also extends beyond your organization to what’s best for the world that your organization can directly impact.

Simon Sinek says that loyal customers buy based on the “Why” (purpose) of the company, not necessarily the “What” (product) or the “How” (how the product is made or how the service is provided).  People who buy from Apple are connected to Apple’s purpose of challenging the status quo and thinking differently.  They just happen to make simply designed and user-friendly computers and other products.

I’m fortunate to live in San Antonio, home of the 5-time Champion San Antonio Spurs.  The individual team members of the Spurs have a higher Altitude mentality then most NBA teams.  Players such as Tim Duncan, David West, and Manu Ginobli took lower salaries to stay on the team because they see the grander vision and purpose of the organization that goes beyond their own personal desires.  This mentality has resulted in the Spurs with the best regular-season winning percentages in the past 15 seasons (.704 winning percentage).

Does Your Purpose Scare You?

Imagine your company with a clear purpose.  All your employees can connect their role to the higher purpose they serve as they do their daily job.  They are excited to come to work because it’s not just a job to them.  They visualize the impact they make in the world through your company’s unique service or product.  How would that translate to you customers’ experiences?  How would that impact your revenues and profits?  How would that affect your quality of life and feelings of fulfillment?

“Most of us go to our graves with our music still inside us, unplayed.” — Oliver Wendell Holmes

Do you have a clear purpose for your company?  Is it too small?  Does it excite you and scare you at the same time?  What grander purpose are you serving?  If it’s already clear, have you communicated it with your leadership team and the rest of your organization?

Studies have shown that people who connect their life to a higher purpose, live a healthier and more fulfilling life.  Same goes for your company!  Tie your business life to a higher Altitude for a clear purpose.  Your business will live a longer, healthier life!

Take the Organizational Checkup to gauge the health of your company!  For more information on creating a healthy business lifestyle, read about the Entrepreneurial Operating System (EOS).

My next blog will illustrate examples of Business System Truth (BST) #2 – The Business System always starts with People.  Without People, you don’t have a business.

To Your Business Health!

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